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Intuit, Principal Product Designer & Innovation Catalyst
2012 - 2017

Innovative Leadership in Product Design: Revolutionizing Experiences While Ensuring Consistency and Efficiency Across Diverse Product Portfolios and Brands

Contributed to reducing support costs by $10M through the design of Intuit's Self-Help Community Forum Platform, fostering increased self-resolution
Image of me presenting to senior leaders at Intuit a new concept for help.

Intuit is the parent company and makers of TurboTax, QuickBooks, Mint, and other solutions that help power prosperity around the world.

I was hired as the inaugural product designer in Intuit's central developer group, where I played a pivotal role in establishing and nurturing a team of 15 designers. My contributions were instrumental in laying the foundation for several groundbreaking initiatives, including Intuit's first developer API portal and the development of company-wide reusable widgets such as authentication and self-help tools. Additionally, I led the conceptualization and implementation of Intuit's first company-wide configurable design system, which has since become integral in the majority of the brands within the organization, including TurboTax, Quickbooks, and Mint.

Responsibility Highlights

  • Defined, and lead, the central product teams to create reusable widgets, such as:
    •  authentication (sign in and register)
    •  optical character recognition (OCR)
    •  3rd-party account linking
  • Owned product design for our community-based Q&A help portal
  • Owned product design for our central developer/API portal
  • Facilitated innovation workshops and brainstorms for senior executives and product teams as an Innovation Catalyst

Impact Highlights

  • Elevated and set the bar for quality of design craft
  • Major contributor in hiring and leading a centralized design team of 15
  • Established a comprehensive design pattern library and processes for Central Product teams, enhancing speed and efficiency
  • Contributed to reducing support costs by $10M through the design of Intuit's Self-Help Community Forum Platform, fostering increased self-resolution
  • Designed, and patented, the OCR Document Capture Experience, enhancing TurboTax’s tax document scanning, and automating receipt captures for QuickBooks and Mint
  • Part of the core team that reimagined Intuit and its four cornerstone brands, consolidating them into a single cohesive brand and ecosystem
  • Promoted to an Innovation Catalyst within a year
Established a comprehensive design pattern library and processes for Central Product teams, enhancing speed and efficiency
Created design documentation created per widget, speccing out the UX/UI as well as the configurability to theme per brand
Designed the first TurboTax native Android authentication experiences
Designed the authentication experiences for TurboTax when they adopted our centralized widget
Designed the authentication experiences for Mint when they adopted our centralized widget
Designed the first TurboTax native iOS authentication experiences
Designed, and patented, the centralized OCR Document Capture Experience, powering features like Turbotax's tax document scanning and auto-fill, QuickBook's, and Mint's receipt captures
Designed, and patented, the centralized OCR Document Capture Experience, powering features like Turbotax's tax document scanning and auto-fill, QuickBook's, and Mint's receipt captures
Example of the mobile ratings and feedback widget
Glance at the mobile version of the developer portal